XenForo 2.2.9 Released Download
Some of the changes in XF 2.2.9 include:
Fix fatal error when viewing debug page on PHP 8.1
Revert previous change so that actioning conversation message report still relies on the 'warn' permission.
Reset file hash when pruning proxied images
Correctly remove duplicated relations when fetching the user entity within the Member controller
Ensure there's a breadcrumb to return to the help pages list when modifying a help page
When a suggested answer only contains an attachment, make sure the suggested schema text isn't blank
Update various phrases to point to the new location of Google's Developer Console
Fix an error that could occur when navigating search results after performing an exact match search for users but not providing a value for the username or email
When registering with a connected provider, correctly redirect to the specified return URL
When writing before registering but then logging in with an existing account, redirect to the newly created content
When sending a push notification about a post being merged, avoid rendering the prefix as HTML
Correctly mark the use_tfa field as a boolean value in the API documentation
Patch Froala to workaround an issue which prevents "recently used" smilies from being stored as expected.
Include $template in $params sent to email container templates
Workaround a potential issue when upgrading from older versions due to new code in newer versions.
Improve accessibility of inline spoilers.
Fix Vimeo time-based links and support unlisted videos via the key portion of the URL.
Append content link and title to report closure alerts.
Workaround an undefined array key error that may happen during upgrade
Do not display view count for directly viewed attachments (video and audio).
When opening a page in an overlay that contains share buttons, override the page URL to the URL of the overlay loaded.
Update Asia/Novosibirsk timezone to UTC+7
Adjust job-related type hints to int|float.
Log payment callbacks that come from an unknown source
Document where scrolling notices are located
Implement __isset() in the Finder class
Make it easier to load additional relations with the search forum user cache
Improve cross-table data consistency when threads are created
Allow feed reader entries without a title to fallback to the description, and vice-versa
Pass referrer through poll creation form
Default to the first option value for read-only select inputs
Improve PHP 8.1 compatibility when logging payment callbacks
Fix null query parameter handling on the debug page
Correct the IRR currency precision
Include a content setter for report entities
Fix attributes on the registration defaults option not referring to unique inputs
Don't re-save avatars if the crop positioning hasn't changed
Redirect to page 1 if a non-number value is passed to the "Go to page" form
List the events a Stripe webhook endpoint should listen for
Improve PHP 8.1 compatibility within the Register controller
Work around an upstream issue in WinCache
Always throw an exception when a file fils to copy to an abstracted file path
Attempt to determine first proxyable favicon when fetching page metadata
Canonicalize proxied thread cover image URLs
Prevent search engines from attempting to index thread preview URLs
Throw an exception when add-on requirement errors or warnings are not arrays
Update watch notifier getDefaultWatchNotifyData method visibility to match parent class
Fix route normalization in policy acceptance bypass check
Improve PHP 8.1 compatibility in template trim tag/function
Add response documentation to the POST posts/ API route
Adjust maximum width of board title in control panel header
Normalize root breadcrumb URL before checking if it matches the current page
Make unfurl usage analysis more robust
Improve PHP 8.1 compatibility within template filters
When logging a failed email exception, include the from email in the exception message
Add embed support for public Spotify playlists
Make the default cookie same-site behavior configurable
Always allow top-level categories which are not displayed in the node list to be accessed at their dedicated URL
Fix article preview text fade not applying to articles without a cover image
Strip AJAX query params from password confirmation redirects
Avoid decreasing user message count twice when moving a thread in/out of a forum that does not count messages
Improve PHP 8.1 compatibility within the API docs generator
Fix potential stale recompilation of grouped phrases
Include some missing entries in the hashes file
Ensure zlib output compression is disabled to prevent interference with XF output compression
Hide the article forum snippet length option when using the preview display style
Correct the description for the user_content_change_init code event description
Reword the "this_accounts_email_is_already_associated_with_another_member" phrase
Add option to disable appending a CAPTCHA provider's privacy policy to the site's privacy policy
Only send certain moderator action alerts when the content is or was visible to the author
Improve PHP 8.1 compatibility within the unsharp image mask algorithm
Improve PHP 8.1 compatibility within the route filter entity
Remove stray XF.Element.register() in password_box.js
Improve PHP 8.1 compatibility when resizing and cropping an image
When converting tables to utf8mb4, only show the prompt to add fullUnicode to config.php if the value isn't set already
The following public templates have had changes:
Where necessary, the merge system within the "outdated templates" page should be used to integrate these changes.
Current requirements
Please note that XenForo 2.2 has higher system requirements than earlier versions.
The following are minimum requirements:
PHP 7.0 or newer (PHP 8.0 recommended)
MySQL 5.5 and newer (Also compatible with MariaDB/Percona etc.)
All of the official add-ons require XenForo 2.2.
Enhanced Search requires at least Elasticsearch 2.0.